Mr. Teerawut Asawasopon, Chairman of the Company & Chief Executive Officer, and Ms. Saowalak Chotitawan, Chief Risk Management Officer of Health Foods Corporation Company Limited, join forces to support dry food donations along with financial aid for the less fortunate during the month of Ramadan.
The objective is to create a sharing community during the auspicious month and the sacred month for Muslims throughout Thailand. Representatives from Helth Foods donated consumer goods along with financial support to aid the less fortunate for sustenance during the month of Ramadan, on March 19, 2023.
This initiative reflects the company's management and staff's commitment to contributing happiness to society consistently. It also serves as a bonding activity to foster a harmonious community.
Health Foods Corporation Company Limited, a specialist in producing high-standard quality food for both domestic and international customers, with over 10 years of experience. For more information, contact 02-508-8888.